Hello. Today is the biggest full moon of the year and with that good omen foreshadowing growth and prosperity, it’s a dandy time to launch this inaugural blog. If you’ve arrived here from FridaPeople.com then you already have a pretty good idea about what’s going on with the three Frida Dolls.
The website http://www.fridapeople.com/ is filled with many fun photos and details, so you’re invited to visit and become a FridaPeople.
So let’s just get right to the elephant in the room. I’m a doll. Not in the informal suggestion of the word, as in dame, wench, chick, bird or skirt. I mean I’m a living, breathing fiber and wire, small stuffed replica of a person, namely the artist, Frida Kahlo. I also bear an uncanny resemblance to my human. Oh, did I not mention that I have a couple of human pets? That’s one reason I am the self-titled “Everyday Anthropologist.”
Humans baffle me. I am often confused by their vexing behavior. So I have committed myself to studying humans in their natural habitat. Situated with an up-close and personal vantage point, I am able to observe the actions of Homo sapiens in response to external stimuli without interfering too much. But more on that later.
First, let’s do a little housekeeping to get a few things out of the way, like my initials are FCK. I know - the word fork just springs to mind. Or Frick and Frack, but don’t let this unavoidable fack distract you too much.
Also, as a doll, I don’t necessarily hold myself to the same rules you humans are burdened with like tact, political correctness, or avoiding ideas that might be interpreted as offensive. Like Handmade Larry, I’ve adopted his policy that says I get to do what I please.
Which leads nicely into my name. Frida. Freeda. Freedom. What a delicious sound.
Then Chiquita. It’s a combination of three words, “Chi” which means the circulating energy inherent in all living things, and “qui” or “qi” which is a fantastically coincidental alternative spelling of chi, and “ta,” which is slang for thank you. So my middle name carries a double shot of energy with a gratitude chaser.
Kahlo was lent by my inspirational godmother, Frida Kahlo. Through all her pain and suffering, she created art and lived the philosophy as though life were a fiesta everyday.
Bibliographers inform us that Frida Kahlo’s patriarchal grandparents were Hungarian Jews who migrated to Germany in the late 1800’s, and her matriarchal grandparents were of Spanish and Indian descent. Raised in Catholic Mexico, she was influenced by her atheist Jewish father, her mother’s strong religious beliefs, and combined them all to create her own righteous faith of freedom for the people.
As a doll created in her likeness, I am full of paradoxes myself which will probably leak out through my writing, so no need to spill them all now.
In the coming blogs, I plan to discuss many different topics including art, wellness, fashion, spirituality, manifesting abundance, and observations and encounters with intriguing humanoids. I have no rigid schedule planned for the blogs, but intend to post them regularly.
The next one includes an interview with radio host “Chakra Girl,” and describes the energy body and ways to honor the fifth throat chakrum during the Holidays. I have other interviews with interesting people lined up and topics both frothy and frivolous. I hope you’ll stay tuned.
The website http://www.fridapeople.com/ is filled with many fun photos and details, so you’re invited to visit and become a FridaPeople.

Humans baffle me. I am often confused by their vexing behavior. So I have committed myself to studying humans in their natural habitat. Situated with an up-close and personal vantage point, I am able to observe the actions of Homo sapiens in response to external stimuli without interfering too much. But more on that later.
First, let’s do a little housekeeping to get a few things out of the way, like my initials are FCK. I know - the word fork just springs to mind. Or Frick and Frack, but don’t let this unavoidable fack distract you too much.
Also, as a doll, I don’t necessarily hold myself to the same rules you humans are burdened with like tact, political correctness, or avoiding ideas that might be interpreted as offensive. Like Handmade Larry, I’ve adopted his policy that says I get to do what I please.
Which leads nicely into my name. Frida. Freeda. Freedom. What a delicious sound.
Then Chiquita. It’s a combination of three words, “Chi” which means the circulating energy inherent in all living things, and “qui” or “qi” which is a fantastically coincidental alternative spelling of chi, and “ta,” which is slang for thank you. So my middle name carries a double shot of energy with a gratitude chaser.

Bibliographers inform us that Frida Kahlo’s patriarchal grandparents were Hungarian Jews who migrated to Germany in the late 1800’s, and her matriarchal grandparents were of Spanish and Indian descent. Raised in Catholic Mexico, she was influenced by her atheist Jewish father, her mother’s strong religious beliefs, and combined them all to create her own righteous faith of freedom for the people.
As a doll created in her likeness, I am full of paradoxes myself which will probably leak out through my writing, so no need to spill them all now.
In the coming blogs, I plan to discuss many different topics including art, wellness, fashion, spirituality, manifesting abundance, and observations and encounters with intriguing humanoids. I have no rigid schedule planned for the blogs, but intend to post them regularly.
The next one includes an interview with radio host “Chakra Girl,” and describes the energy body and ways to honor the fifth throat chakrum during the Holidays. I have other interviews with interesting people lined up and topics both frothy and frivolous. I hope you’ll stay tuned.

As for the other two Frida Dolls, my friends are Frida Rosarita Kahlo and Frida Miranda Kahlo. You can also read their (soon to be published) blogs, view our profiles on Facebook, follow our adventures and send us cool Frida-related photos, poetry or whatever fascinating Frida art you create. Please email us your fabulous Frida interpretations to Frida.Chiquita.Kahlo@FridaPeople.com.
welcome to your new blog, FCK! i'm honored to be the first to comment on your debut. looking forward to keeping up with your grand adventures in the world of Everyday Anthropology.
ReplyDeletenow to find out more about this fella you call Handmade Larry...
aka Chakra Girl