Now how does this make a lick of sense? If I’m hungry, I want to attract food to put into my belly, not become food. If my bank account needs an infusion of cash, I want to attract money. If I’m feeling unlovable, I want love.
I mean, like, duh. Haven’t you ever heard of opposites attracting? The sick need healing, not the well. The poor need alms, not the wealthy. The nakedy need clothes not the Emperor. Okay, he actually does, but you get my drift.
I am a bead. What, that’s rather disjointing, you say? An article in the newspaper once defined a bead as “anything with a hole in it.”
I have a hole in me.
This hole has inspired me to fill it in. Years ago, it began as a leak in my pocketbook. I sought two different financial counselors and when they groomed my expenditures with a fine-teethed comb, neither discovered a single penny of unnecessary outgo. I did not have what the money gurus labeled “the latte factor.”
Their analysis? I needed to increase my income. Gee, thanks, I already knew that. But it seemed that no matter what I did, no matter how frugal I became, tightened the belt, lived on a shoestring, there never was enough to cover basic expenses.
So I set my course on a journey to discover a remedy. I went on a reading rampage. I checked out every book on money, wealth, and increasing one’s income the library had on its shelves.
I didn’t give a flippertyjibbit about my thoughts, my energy field, my vibrational offering for crying out loud, I just wanted quick and easy steps to take so I could become more than a hundred-aire. I wanted clear and precise actions that would give me an extra zero or two on the correct side of my balance sheet.
I’ve heard of slow learners and in this area, I think the guides of heaven had to create a new sub-category of emotional retardation just for me. It has taken me years and years to finally open my mind to what the masters have been saying.
We get what we focus on, that which we appreciate, appreciates. We live in an electromagnetic universe and one of the laws of physics governing our physical reality is “like attracts like,” or “that which is like unto itself is drawn.” Paper attracts ink, a magnet attracts little metal things and trailer parks attract tornadoes. Just your basic facts of life stuff.
I resisted this for a looooooooong time (for a more accurate picture, keeping adding more o’s to the word “long,” no keep going, a few more, almost there…). Bottom line is that I wanted, needed, desired more money. I could not wrap my head around the idea that I had to start feeling and becoming prosperous to attract prosperity.
Oops, apparently I wasn’t listening, or couldn’t understand this simple, yet profound concept.
Let’s skip ahead, shall we? A gentleman recently surprised us with a book and several downloads of a particular author he wanted us to check out. Not understanding we were supposed to read the book first, we listened to the audio files.
Oh my.
Groom and I have a fairly broad spectrum of things we are interested in, but this was a giant step out of our comfort zone.
The info on the mp3 was a guided meditation leading us up through the “10 Dimensions of Heaven.” There were things on each floor we were to see, do, clear out and receive in order to ascend to the next level.
At one point, I asked Groom if this was like a spiritual video game or a version of dungeons and dragons? In the Fourth Dimension of Heaven we were given a cloak so that we could conduct our business without being seen and in the Fifth Dimension of Heaven we were to receive a spiritual gift, perhaps a harp or a jewel-encrusted staff.
My apologies to the gentleman who sent us this stuff, but we couldn’t help giggling. Throughout the next couple of days, we’d tease each other. Groom would say, “I can see you,” and I would answer, “No you can’t, I’m invisible, can’t you see that I’m wearing my cloak?” Or, “Watch out, I’ll pop you with my jewel encrusted staff if you don’t do exactly as I say.”
Two days later, on Saturday after the Market, we took our daily perambulation around the neighborhood. We were drawn right instead of left by a handmade sign that said “Love Him Her It Them Us Yourself.” Love and inclusion, we were groovin’ on the sentiment.
Two people were sitting on the sidewalk and welcomed us. Stepping beyond the sign to stand underneath a canopy of trees, we saw a little bit of magic. “Did you notice our money tree?” they asked, pointing up. Sure enough, there were many dollar bills hanging from the branches.
Just then, a third person popped up and said in a very lovely and theatrical voice, “Welcome. You have made it to the Fifth Dimension of Heaven. You can see me now.”
Say what? You’ve got to be freakin’ kidding me.
I looked at Groom and Groom was already staring at me to confirm we each just heard what we thought we heard. I felt my head soften into a cartoon, becoming all rubbery as I pretend shook it from side to side, jowls and saliva swinging in slow-mo like a basset hound as I mentally cleared any possible cobwebs.
The man “who we could now see,” disappeared (he bee-bopped into the house for a minute) and the two people sitting on the sidewalk offered us coins from the ground and suggested we toss them into a red bowl filled with water. We were instructed to gather up all of our fears and send them into the water along with the coins. As we did this, they clapped simultaneously and shouted “NO FEAR!”
Trying to take in the scene and get a grip that we had just listened to a meditation describing the Fifth Dimension of Heaven and less than 48 hours later we walked into somebody’s little play about it, well, it was trippy!
These three people put effort into creating a sacred space. There were candles burning, incense wafting, fruit in colorful bowls and a toy dinosaur wearing booties amongst many other curious artifacts.
The third man, who had announced our arrival, reappeared and was holding, can you guess? A jewel-encrusted staff! He said something very special to us (Yeah, I think I’ll keep that part private) and then he touched us on each shoulder with the jewel-encrusted staff, much like a monarch dubbing a knight.
We were standing on a red carpet of money with dollar bills dripping overhead. In addition to the fabulous playfulness and the Technicolor alignment, there was a joyful lesson to be learned.
Turns out the two people sitting on the sidewalk, well, their “van broke down in the Third Dimension.” If you did not just laugh, there’s something wrong. Instead of whining, complaining or freaking out, they took what they had and created something enchanting out of it.
Instead of hording their last bit of cash, they rolled out the red carpet and let it loose. They tied dollar bills to the tree. In other words, they became what they wanted to attract. It worked. Groom and I were so delighted by this spectacle that we asked if we could tie some money to their tree. They asked for nothing, they just were.
All this week, I’ve been drawn back there. I’ve seen them continuing to sit outside, soaking in the late summer weather, sipping wine and visiting with passersby. On one evening stroll, I said to the man who had “knighted” us, “Hello, I can see you now.”
The look on his face was priceless. He said, “I’m so glad, I like to be seen.”
Again, he had an inner need to be visible, but instead of becoming obnoxious to get attention, he gave a gift. He created the feeling that seeing him was an honor, that one had to shift into another state of consciousness to be able to see him.
When we have a need, we all become something in order to get that need met. Perhaps we become angry, petulant, sick, demanding, fearful; we all have our modus operandi. Since we’re going to become something anyway, why not become something that is in harmony with what we desire rather than its repelling opposite?
I just have to say, this was one of the best moments of alignment and learning. George Bernard Shaw explains why it’s good to be lighthearted about things. “People don’t stop playing because they grow old. They grow old because they stop playing.”
Last night at the Coronation, Bananita told the crowd "It costs about $300 to put on this show" before we passed the hat. The take? Within $2 of $300...
ReplyDeleteDelightful installment, Oh Dear Frida!