Spooky Scary Funny Magic Eerie Wicked Witches Spells Incantations Brooms Cauldrons Black Cats Skeletons
Scarecrows Werewolves Nightmares The Macabre Boo! Moonlight Pumpkin pie Bobbing for Apples Haunted Houses
Damnation Salvation Torment Enchantment Pagan Christian Insulted Wiccans Day of the Dead Night of the Living…
Ah, the evocative images this time of year brings on its cloaked shoulders.
A chilling wind blows the thin veil between worlds as All Hollow’s Eve approaches. It is time for the prisoners of the underworld to fly their freak flags a little and party down before the solemn Holiday of All Saints Day arrives on November one.
Lastly, while on the subject of various body parts, here’s a little season appropriate snippet from Willie the Bard.
Wool of bat, and tongue of dog,
Adder's fork, and blind-worm's sting,
Lizard's leg, and howlet's wing,--
For a charm of powerful trouble,
Like a hell-broth boil and bubble."
And speaking of Groom, he discovered this Malt Liquor pitcher of rubber noses and has judiciously decided to call it, “A Snoot Full.”
Yes, I spotted each of you, both a "dead give away". Love the photo of the angels, just beautiful.
ReplyDeleteMiss y'all.
Much love.
Your title on this post is the only reference to Shock a Body Body on google. That's so wrong, but I'm so glad you are out there.
ReplyDeletePatti (Seattle)