“Listen my children and you shall hear
Of the midnight ride of Paul Revere,
On the eighteenth of April, in Seventy-five;
Hardly a man is now alive
Who remembers that famous day and year.”If the American War of Independence and cutting the apron strings to the Mother Country feels too much like ancient history, then there’s still Earth Day to celebrate, which is the same day as National Jelly Bean Day.
When I sat down to write this week, five pages came tumbling out. But it didn’t gel, so I’m facing an empty computer screen without time to start over as I spent waaaay too many hours on the other version.
What an odd place to be, so much to say and nothing at all.
Gack! I don’t even have an ending, nothing to wrap this nothing in. Oh well, I doubt it will rock anyone’s world. I’d like to think people are hanging on every word, waking up on Hump Day with gleeful thoughts of, “Oh boy, it’s Wednesday, I wonder what’s on the blog today, can’t wait to read it!”
Ha, we can all nurture delusions of grandeur with the greatest of ease.
So, without words to slow you down, you can glance at some of the new necklace designs and we’ll see if there’s anything to say next week. I’ll leave you wondering what in the heck inspired five pages of word frenzy and then declining to spill.
In the meantime, have a happy National Cherry Cheesecake Day (emphasis on the cherry, not cheesecakes in general), Pigs in a Blanket Day, Plumbers Day, National Zucchini Bread Day, Hubble Telescope Sent into Orbit Day, National Pretzel Day, Shuffleboard Day, Hug an Australian Day, National Prime Rib Day, and my favorite one of all, Write an Old Friend Today Day.
Now how many times have I said that I look forward to Wednesdays because of your blog?!
ReplyDeleteEach necklace tells a little story.